Gorba - Geelong Off Road Buggy Association

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Next General Meeting for 2025 Date:  Wednesday 26th March 2025 Time:  8.00pm Stay Upright Complex (Traffic Safety Centre) Breakwater Road Geelong South (Opposite the Geelong Show Grounds) We...


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Message from our President

Date: 24th December 2017 | Category: GORBA NEWS
G’day GORBA Members & Off Roaders

2017 is nearly finished, 2018 is just a week away.

I would like to congratulate Dave Davis and his navigator Sally on an extremely successful year of racing. State Champion driver, GORBA Champion driver, and generous donator of our new TimingTower at Moyston.

2017 marked 40 years of effort, enthusiasm, success and sometimes tears for the members of GORBA. In October we celebrated that great achievement with more than a 100 friends, past and present members.

We took the opportunity to award a Life Membership to Kevin Marsden. Kevin has been a tireless and stable contributor to our club, until recently Treasurer for many years. Club member Brooke Mott deserves special mention for being the driving organiser and deserved recipient of Best Club Person.

Attracting entries to our Moyston and November Club race was very challenging. In the end we had to cancel Avalon with only six entries.

I’d like to congratulate those members who graciously accepted the cancelation decision, even though it affected their Club Championship aspirations.

As is always the case, we need volunteers and the members that race need to be very diligent in appreciating these people. I remind everybody of an old saying “never criticise a volunteer”.

Looking forward to 2018, at our AGM we set ourselves the challenge to revitalise the Moyston race and maybe make it our Flagship event. With a bit of an adjustment to race format, constant & persistent promotion and track reinstatement, I’m confident we will have success in 2018. Thank you to Tim for liaising with Murray.

Member attendance at some of our meetings this year has been low. With this in mind we intend to have our February or March meeting in Gippsland. Travis is looking for a suitable venue to host a BBQ format. It is proposed that we travel by bus and pick up some Melbourne members on the way. I realise that extra effort would be required by our local members, but I strongly believe it is important to put time back into our Eastern Melbourne and Gippsland members.

Next year GORBA will be supporting the Victorian Off-Road Club Shield initiative. We believe the CAMS/ASSA experience so far has had a negative impact on Club level racing. Hopefully this year all parties involved can find some common ground for the good of all Off-Roaders.

In 2018 GORBA we will be using ASSA for our events, but we acknowledge the importance of all Insurance/Governess bodies and will be retaining our CAMS affiliation for the benefit of our members.

To the members and Committee for their support this year, I offer a sincere thank you.

To all our new members this year, welcome and hopefully you can and add to our Club.

To the new and existing Cmmittee members for 2018, I look forward to your input.

For the Club intrusting me to President for 2018, thankyou.

To our families who support our passion, a special thank you.

Have a happy Christmas and a safe New Year

Greg Ryan

rolex replica Club President

Author: Greg Ryan